Post-Platforms Foundation

The new secure and inclusive

Web 3.0 Data Space ecosystem

Data ownership returned to users. No monopoly of platforms. Blockchain-free

Post-PlaTforms Foundation

The new secure and inclusive Web 3.0 Data Space ecosystem

Data ownership returned to users. No monopoly of platforms. Blockchain-free

The Post-Platforms Foundation promotes the human-centric decentralized version of Web 3.0 where users have full control of their data and its usage, platforms compete in providing services over the same users’ data, and total security is built-in by design. Taking the best from Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, this blockchain-free Data Space offers humankind a totally new degree of freedom, trust, and transparency



Users’ personal data is scattered across many platforms, with no control over it. Copies are stored in different databases, with no trace of the original. Different platforms work with different ontologies and are not interested in interoperability for strategic reasons. Internet, public, and corporate databases all suffocate under the massive data silos


Platforms quickly monopolize their market niches. There is almost no connection between different platforms and a serious vendor lock-in problem. They monetize the users' content, yet any account can be arbitrarily banned. In most cases, if the service is free, you are the product to sell


Thousands of credentials don’t make our access to services truly secure. Single Sign-On systems don’t solve this problem either. Data breaches became common both in startups and in large corporations. The reason is fundamental: Internet (as TCP/IP), email, web, FTP, and many other commonly used systems were designed without security at the core. And any security begins with reliable key management


  • The Idea

    Our concept is dead simple: all the systemic issues of today's Web are caused by data being de-facto controlled by platforms. Therefore, the solution is to decouple data from platforms. Our vision of a decentralized Web is an open ecosystem where people, organizations, and devices own their data and control access rights, whereas platforms and services access it on par with each other

  • It’s a true Web 3.0

    This idea of Web 3.0 combines the best of its predecessors: data ownership and control of Web 1.0 and the power of aggregating platforms of Web 2.0

  • Components

    We envision the new decentralised blockchain-free Web 3.0 architecture built of four core blocks:

  • Components

    We envision the new decentralised blockchain-free Web 3.0 architecture built of four core blocks:

Our Partners
Join the Initiative

No organisation can build Web 3.0 on its own. It is a planetary challenge requiring the active participation of various stakeholders -- startups, public authorities, research institutions, media, investors, and platforms.

The Post-Platforms Foundation invites public and private actors to join us in quest of a free, secure, efficient, and inclusive Web 3.0

You can contribute in several ways:

Social Impact discussions

Participate in discussions of social and economic impact discussionsof the initiative. We organize regular Web 3.0 Data Space webinars and actively take part in various conferences and workshops around new approaches to data

Technical discussions

Share your inventions and technologies with our product team. Our solutions are open and will hopefully originate new W3C standards, so we would be glad for any support and contribution from your engineers

Business cases

Join us as corporate implementation partners in your respective verticals. You will be amongst the first businesses to foster digital transformation in your industry, to explore the new borderless and trustworthy Web 3.0, and to unlock limitless opportunities for your clients

Data Space European grants

Join a consortium to apply for Data Space-related European grants. In 2022-24, the European Commission is allocating more than €1B to the development of the European Data Spaces in various domains. The Post-Platforms initiative offers a set of holistic and feasible solutions for this challenge.

The Post-Platforms Foundation is building a consortium for approaching the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) call by the European Commission.

Learn more


Invest in our vision. In addition to the non-profit transformative foundation, our commercially minded team is actively involved in several commercial spin-offs, based on the same technology and targeting specific industries. Contact us to explore these opportunities

Learn more about our story and meet our team

The Post-Platforms Foundation has been developing a number of revolutionary solutions able to bring entire industries to a new level. Flexible and easily adjustable for your specific business needs, our technology allows you to completely transform your data management, to reduce your transaction costs, to create some brand new business verticals ...and simply to be the first to open Web 3.0 opportunities to your customers and partners!

A cultural content ecosystem in which high-quality and relevant content finds its users instantly through specialised platforms

Any travel expert or service provider can publish their content just once to make it available to any tourist via any platform

Enterprise solutions start all using the same distributed database, transforming the very way people and machines interact with data 

Every platform, author, and article have their own transparent and measurable reputation, and fake news become virtually extinct

Hotels update their availability on different platforms simultaneously, get rid of the notorious 20% platforms' commissions, and collect ratings and reviews in one place, linked to their ERPs

Mobile operators monetize their user base by providing personal PODs allowing to publish CVs, skills, or goods to sell on hundreds of platforms at once

Healthcare & Wellness

All your medical and body data from every source is stored on the same secure POD, where you can fully control it and analyse it through any platform of your choice

Real Estate

Cadastre, notaries, mortgage, and engineering data on every real estate are connected in a single open ecosystem to cut costs and ensure all the information is up-to-date

Social Discovery

Matchmaking engines and dating services attain a totally new level by being able to analyse an unprecedented amount of data on each user

Work with Us
We are happy to connect with new partners and investors, and always open to meaningful discussions around the future of the Web!

Get in touch with us using the form below or drop us an email at
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