
We may speak about the Internet Frontier today: just like rail and cattle corporations controlled the American Frontier 200 years ago, Digital Corporations control the Wild West of the Internet. Just like tycoons 200 years ago, Facebook and Google issue their own passports and control every step we make. But splitting Facebook like we split Standard Oil 100 years ago is not an option, as Facebook IS about connectivity. Instead of splitting Facebook business we need to decouple Facebook from our data

Our Story


It always starts with an idea

Ours was to let users once again become independent from the dictatorship of monopolies and at the same time to make digital markets more open to free competition and more human-centric. Since our founding members have been working in the platforms space for more than a decade, the problem was obvious to us. We were thinking: “We like platforms and their services, we just want them to return data to people”. This statement led us to the idea of decoupling platforms and data

We looked around...

And found, among others, a simple yet powerful Solid concept, developed by Tim Berners-Lee. His work, together with some European projects, such as GAIA-X and the European Data Space, became our main source of inspiration. Curiously enough, we came to quite the same idea from completely different approaches: Tim started from the Linked Data solution and then struggled to find the problem it solves, and we identified the platform monopoly problem first, and only then started looking for the right technology to solve it

At first

We imagined the Post-Platforms Foundation only as a way of fighting the monopoly of gigantic platforms (social media, booking engines, classifieds, etc.) by making data decentralized and equally accessible to established players and to newcomers. But soon we saw that this same architecture opens a much larger pool of opportunities: besides being a technically innovative concept, it also leads the way for a much bigger organizational innovation


Post-Platforms technology can be used literally anywhere

Its overall socio-economic impact is always positive and it constantly grows with the wider adoption of this technology. As soon as we understood that, we started adjusting it for new verticals, and each time it allowed us to design some industry-transforming solutions. We began our work from the conceptual design, not industry-specific solutions, and it's precisely this holistic approach that allows us to transform the world

Our concept is the key to this new world

We believe that after the total freedom, almost anarchy, of Web 1.0, and Web 2.0 led and controlled by corporations, now it's time to introduce the Web 3.0 Data Space, a universe of trust and transparency, where everyone plays by the same rules
